You'd probably seen enough of people on TV and in movies suffering terrible, difficult deliveries, with plenty of screaming and sobbing (and perhaps a spouse's hand being squeezed, too). As a result, some women fear pregnancy, while others decide not to have children at all! But what if giving birth didn't have to be this way? What if it turned out to be enjoyable?
Renee Rodriguez shares her beautiful experience of orgasmic birth and the possibility of this experience could change the way women see childbirth. Another value-bomb episode today. Let’s get started! Renee Rodríguez is joining us from Mexico. Renee was amazed to find out how beautiful, empowering, and even orgasmic giving birth could be. She believes the world should know that it is also possible to be born with pleasure. For this reason, she trained as a Doula and has dedicated her life to accompanying other women to create well-being in their pregnancy, so that they can begin and live their motherhood fully and pleasurably
In this episode:
Renee talks about her amazing orgasmic birth experience with her two children Being in the present and listening to your body helps prevent unnecessary discomfort while also keeping the experience pure Finding the right people around you, the doula and midwife in whom you have confidence is one of the key factors to achieving orgasmic birth How husbands could support their wives throughout their entire labor and childbirth
Key Takeaways:
You know your body more than anyone. It knows what it needs. Listen to it Finding pleasure during childbirth is possible for women
Tweetable Quote:
“Women's birth can be a joyful experience and definitely a transforming experience and even if it might involve pain, it doesn't have to involve suffering.” - Renee Rodriguez
Up Next in Orgasmic Birth Podcast Season 1
The Hormones of Love, Sex, and Childb...
Hormones play a huge part in our bodies and because of this, one of the things we can do is make sure in the early stages of labor, women are as comfortable as possible. How do we ensure that our hormones help to facilitate successful labor and birth?
Dr. Sarah Buckley talks about the changes tha... -
Embrace the Wild of Intimate Birth wi...
Are you ready to welcome change and break away from the stigma surrounding childbirth? In this episode, my guest, Marrit Vos tells her story of how she embraced an intimate and wild birth despite fears and doubts. She describes her experience of labor, which was both empowering and beautiful. Lis...
The Journey to Orgasmic Birth: From P...
Fear can be contagious. Unfortunately, when thinking about giving birth, the common thoughts are fear, pain, and fear of pain… It doesn’t have to be that way. Orgasmic birth is the ultimate expression of love and intimacy between a woman and her baby. It can help to create a sense of safety and s...