Prior to having her own children, Amber traveled to a midwifery clinic in Mexico to train and attend births as a doula. Her work there helped shape the choices she would make for her own births later down the road. With her first child she planned a hospital birth with midwives, and after a very quick labor she barely made it to the hospital in time. For her second, she thought, “Why not a home birth”?
Up Next in Season 1
Morgan Campbell, a postpartum doula, grew up hearing the tales of her and her siblings’ out of hospital birth stories. For her own birthing experience, she believed home was where she would feel safest to be her most primal and vulnerable self. And primal she got. She made loud and visceral vocal...
Alexis is a mother of three and a psychotherapist specializing in the prenatal and postpartum transition into parenthood. In this episode, she shares her transformative experience of becoming a parent for the first time. We explore the common yet unexpectedly difficult feelings around caring for ...
Alannah, an ER nurse in her native Australia, wanted to have a home birth for her second child here in the States, but she was met with cultural confusion, financial difficulties and medical resistance. Although her first child was induced and born at 34 weeks due to growth restriction, she knew ...