Anthea C. Episode 7
After hitting "The Wall" Anthea accesses her inner strength and soon begins pushing guided by her intuition alone with no coaching. Tune in as she guides us through the end of her birth and finishes this 'Real Midwives' journey by talking through the juxtaposition of her two births and what she learned through the experiences.
Up Next in Midwifery
Anne S. Episode 15
With baby Virginia in her arms, Anne reflects back on her journey and ponders what, if anything, she would have changed. Anne gives us a glimpse into her VBAC recovery and how it differed from her cesarean birth recovery seven years prior. Spoiler Alert: Just five weeks post-birth Anne is back ri...
Anne S. Episode 5
Anne is planning a vaginal birth after cesarean and open to the idea that it may change down the road.
Jenny B. Episode 1
All-New Journey: Meet Jenny in Episode 1, a larger-than-life Broadway choreographer and fitness instructor who shares how she overcame an arduous 5-year struggle with fertility.